Well as heard in the Wonderful World of Dr. Seuss... The time has come, the time is NOW!!! (from Marvin K Mooney)
That is right... The Time is NOW to start thinking about what you want to do with your life... in that ever changing 7th or 8th grade mind, you need to make some tough choices about what you want to do and be when you grow up... Sometimes I think I am still figuring that out for myself, but it sure is fun!
The Wonderful World of FACS awaits you (sometimes referred to as TEEN LIVING) the 8th grade FACS curriculum at Loudoun County is full of fun and surprises - Everything you need to know about life to get you to where you want to be! Be sure to read EVERYTHING I NEEDED TO KNOW ABOUT LIFE... it really is true.
Think about this...
What are the THREE most important things in your life?
The responses that I typically hear are (not in any particular order)...
1. family
2. friends
3. food
4. shelter
5. clothing
6. water
7. money
8. clean air
9. good health
Now think about the classes that you are taking in school... What are you learning in those classes that relates to all of these? Sure you go to different classes with your friends, but are those classes teaching you how to be a great friend, child care provider, cook, personal finance manager? Do you cook in those classes and learn how to prepare nutritious meals? Learn how to manage your money so that you can pay your mortgage when you get older, or the car payment so that you don't lose that car once you get it? How are you going to decorate that house now that you have it? What if you have a leak in the faucet or a door knob goes through the wall? Can you fix it? Can you sew that button back on to your shirt that fell off, or are you just going to spend more money and buy a new one?
We come from an expendable society, and it is high time to LEARN to take care of things for yourself, because trust me - When you get to be as old as me... and MAN AM I OLD... No one is going to do it for you - You have to know how to do it yourself... And if you can't do it yourself, well... i hope that you learned to manage your money.
SO... Where does FACS fit into all of this?
Well... Lets see...
* You will learn how to manage your finances so that you can pay your bills and save your money for the things that you want to purchase. We don't want you to get into debt!
* You will learn how to take care of children without stressing yourself out! Learn effective ways to take care of children, have fun with them and enjoy the time that you are babysitting.
* Be a good citizen - We look at leadership and being a integral part of your community... Volunteer and help others, not only is it good for you as a person - It is great for the community!
* SEW - now we know that not everyone is going to be a seamstress or tailor, but being able to sew on that button that falls of on the way to an interview is essential, you don't want your shirt (or pants) falling off on the way in the door... That would not be a very good first impression to a future employer.
* COOK - You cannot expect to live on take out all of your life, so why not learn how to cook some simple meals that your family and friends will enjoy? learn about the importance of getting the proper amount of nutrients and how to balance your diet with the essentials for good health!
* Learn to like others, AND yourself. You will become a well rounded individual in FACS class, and others will see that in you as a member of FCCLA.
And the list goes on and On...
As I write this I have posted a FACEBOOK question to all of my friends as to what their favorite memory from FACS (aka Home Ec) was, and I will be compiling and posting those from some adults that took FACS (Home Ec) when they were your age. I think it will be fun to see what they have to say!
So what are you waiting for???
Get out there and sign up for 8th grade FACS (Teen Living) or your 9th grade FACS equivalents. There are a ton to choose from, and you don't want to miss out on this great opportunity!
So PLEASE GO NOW and contact your counselor about becoming a part of the awesome FACS classes in Loudoun County schools!